Free tax preparation for individuals is available to all ages and most occupations.
Households with income over $64,000 can only be served by sites with a ‘+’ after the location.
(In Person or While-U-Wait) In Person sites prepare your return in your presence. While-U-Wait sites prepare your return while you wait outside of the tax preparation room. Either way you leave the same day with a completed and electronically filed tax return.
(Drop-Off) During an initial visit to the site, you leave your tax documents with a volunteer. Your documents are used throughout the return preparation process and securely stored when not in use. In a second visit, you work with a volunteer to finalize the filing of the tax return. You leave with your tax documents and a completed and electronically filed tax return. (Scan) During an initial visit to the site, a volunteer digitizes your tax documents and returns them to you on the spot. The digital copies of the documents are securely stored and used throughout the return preparation process. In a second visit, you work with a volunteer to finalize the filing of the tax return. You leave with a completed and electronically filed tax return. **SITE FULL** Means all appointments are filled unless there happens to be a cancellation. Only one federal return (and related state returns, if applicable) per appointment.
The more information you bring, the more accurately we can prepare your return. If you’re not sure, bring it!