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We offer multiple template options for a better user experience for you and your customers. You can customize templates for company-wide use or specific use for stations, tasks, or resources. Here’s how to set up notification templates at the company level.

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notifications overview

Company-wide Notifications

Edit company-wide notifications settings via Notifications > Notifications Admin. These are your default notification templates for email, text, and phone reminders at the Company level.

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notifications overview

Editing Notification Templates at Company level: Email

Here’s how to set up email notification templates.

  1. Email settings and options. Fill in the critical fields and opt in to add confirmations and reminders, and the ability for your customers to add the appointment to their own digital calendars.
  2. Select audience. Choose your audience: either to alert an internal stakeholder or a customer. Then, select the type of template you want to edit.
  3. First Time. Choose this template to provide specific instructions only suited for a customer’s first visit. Examples include bringing in ID and insurance card; completed paperwork; appointment cancellation policy; and any other special instructions helpful to new customers.
  4. Default. Use this template as your standard template for most reminders.
  5. Status Change. Use this template to notify customers of a change to their appointment. The number of statuses will vary depending on your plan and will be listed when you select the Status Change tab.
  6. Select each status. Decide which statuses you would like to create notifications for by selecting each checkbox.
  7. Edit the template. Once you select the status, choose the drop-down arrow (7a) to expand the window to reveal the template. Repeat for each individual status notification you choose. Use the editor to change styles. Choose your own style from the standard editor (7b) including fonts, spacing, adding links, etc.
  8. Insert custom information. Insert useful information into your automatic message like Appointment Time, Appointment Date, Address, Phone, etc. from the Scheduler available fields list.
  9. Save. Be sure to select the Save button to save your work. Click cancel if you would like to disregard your changes.
  10. save or cancel buttons
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notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview

Editing First Time Appointment Email Template.

Choose this template to provide specific instructions only suited for a customer’s first visit. Examples include reminders to bring in an ID and insurance card or completed paperwork; list your appointment cancellation policy; and any other special instructions helpful to new customers. The instructions are the same for editing the Company first-time appointment template.

  1. Edit the template. Use the editor to change styles including fonts, spacing, adding links, etc.
  2. Insert custom information. Insert useful information into your automatic message like Appointment Time, Appointment Date, Address, Phone, etc., from the Scheduler available fields list.
  3. Select Save to save your changes, Close to close the window, and Delete only if you wish to delete the Station and reassign the appointments to another station.
  4. save or cancel buttons
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notifications overview first time email

Editing Immediate Email Template.

Use this template for sending out immediate notifications via email after creating an appointment. This is helpful for customers to reduce no-show appointments, and also to alert internal staff of a new customer appointment. You may customize the message and insert the available fields from the Scheduler that appear in the column on the right. At any time, you may restore the default by selecting the Restore Default button.. The instructions are the same for editing the Company first-time appointment template.

  1. Edit the template. Use the editor to change styles including fonts, spacing, adding links, etc.
  2. Insert custom information. Insert useful information into your automatic message like Appointment Time, Appointment Date, Address, Phone, etc., from the Scheduler available fields list.
  3. Save. Be sure to select the Save button to save your work. Click Cancel if you would like to disregard your changes.
  4. save or cancel buttons
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notifications overview first time email

Editing Notification Templates at Company level: Text

Here’s how to set up text notification templates at the company level.

  1. Text template. Choose your audience: either to alert an internal stakeholder or a customer.
  2. Then, select the type of template you want to edit.
    1. First Time. Choose this template to provide specific instructions only suited for a customer’s first visit. Examples include bringing in ID and insurance card; completed paperwork; appointment cancellation policy; and any other special instructions helpful to new customers.
    2. Default. Use this template as your standard template for most reminders.
    3. Status Change. Use this template to notify customers of a change to their appointment. The number of statuses will vary depending on your plan and will be listed when you select the Status Change tab.
  3. Select each status. Decide which statuses you would like to create notifications for by selecting each checkbox.
  4. Expand to edit template. Once you select the status, choose the drop-down arrow to expand the window to reveal the template. Repeat for each individual status notification you choose.
  5. Edit template. Use the editor to change styles including fonts, spacing, adding links, etc.
  6. Insert custom information. Insert useful information into your automatic message like Appointment Time, Appointment Date, Address, Phone, etc. from the Scheduler available fields list.
  7. Save. Be sure to select the Save button to save your work. Click cancel if you would like to disregard your changes.
  8. save or cancel buttons
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Editing First Time Appointment SMS Template.

Choose this template to provide specific instructions only suited for a customer’s first visit. Examples include reminders to bring in an ID and insurance card or completed paperwork; list your appointment cancellation policy; and any other special instructions helpful to new customers. The instructions here show the Customer template. The instructions are the same for editing the Company first-time appointment template.

  1. Edit the template. You have 150 characters maximum for your SMS message.
  2. Customize the message. You may customize the message and insert the available fields from the Scheduler that appear in the column on the right. At any time, you may restore the default by selecting the Restore Default button.
  3. Select Save to save your changes, Close to close the window, and Delete only if you wish to delete the Station and reassign the appointments to another station.
  4. save or cancel buttons
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notifications overview forst time sms

Station, Task, or Resource Notification Overview

Edit these specific notifications settings via Company Account. This is where you create your default notification templates for email, text, and phone reminders at the station, task, or resource level. If you have four stations for example, and want to create notifications for each station, you will need to repeat this process for each station. The process is the same for each task and each resource.

Editing Station templates

  1. Select the station you wish to set up the template by clicking on the wrench icon.
  2. Choose the intended audience, either internal stakeholders or customers. The windows and processes are the same for both company and customer templates.
  3. Select the type of template you want to edit. Immediate, First Time, and Default are the same format and instructions are the same for all three templates. Here are special instructions on how to use Status Change Template.
    1. Immediate. This option is for the message that we send out immediately after the appointment is created. This is helpful for customers to confirm their appointment and also to alert internal staff of a new customer appointment. For more details on using this template, click here.
    2. First Time. Choose this template to provide specific instructions only suited for a customer’s first visit. Examples include bringing in ID and insurance card; completed paperwork; appointment cancellation policy; and any other special instructions helpful to new customers. For more details on using this template, click here.
    3. Default. Use this template as your standard template for most reminders. For more details on using this template, click here.
    4. Status Change. Use this template to notify customers of a change to their appointment. The number of statuses will vary depending on your plan and will be listed when you select the Status Change tab. For more details on using this template, click here.
  4. Then select the platform to use to send the notification.
  5. Edit Email Immediate template. Use the editor to change styles. Choose your own style from the standard editor including fonts, spacing, adding links, etc.
  6. Insert custom information. Insert useful information into your automatic message like Appointment Time, Appointment Date, Address, Phone, etc. from the Scheduler available fields list.
  7. Select Save to save your changes, Close to close the window, and Delete only if you wish to delete the Station and reassign the appointments to another station.
  8. Edit SMS Immediate template. You have 150 characters maximum for your SMS message. You may customize the message and insert the available fields from the Scheduler that appear in the column on the right. At any time, you may restore the default by selecting the Restore Default button.
  9. Select Save to save your changes, Close to close the window, and Delete only if you wish to delete the Station and reassign the appointments to another station.
  10. save or cancel buttons
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notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview

Text Message Notifications

  1. Open Appointment Click on an appointment you would like to setup a notification for. Then go to the Notifications tab.
  2. Create Notification
    1. Select Text from the notification type list.
    2. Enter the clients phone number into the Mobile # field. Pick the Phone Carrier from the list.
    3. Then select when you would like this notification to go out from the Reminder Interval list. Immediate will send the notification immediately, the 15 min, 30min and 1-72 hours are reminders prior to the appointment.
    4. When done hit the Add New Notification button to create the new notification.
    5. Track Notification The scheduled notifications will display up top in the Existing notification box. The Processed Notification History box will show you the Sent Notification History.
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text message notifications

Email Notifications

  1. Open Appointment Editor Click on an appointment you would like to setup a notification for. Then go to the Notifications tab.
  2. Create Notification
    1. Select Text from the notification type list.
    2. Enter the clients phone number into the Mobile # field.
    3. Pick the Phone Carrier from the list. Then select when you would like this notification to go out from the Reminder Interval list. Immediate will send the notification immediately, the 15 min, 30min and 1-72 hours are reminders prior to the appointment.
    4. When done hit the Add New Notification button to create the new notification.
  3. Track Notification The scheduled notifications will display up top in the Existing notification box. The Processed Notification History box will show you the Sent Notification History.
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email notifications

Phone Notifications

  1. Open Appointment Editor Click on an appointment you would like to setup a notification for. Then go to the Notifications tab.
  2. Create Notification
    1. Select Phone from the notification type list.
    2. Enter the clients phone number into the Phone # field.
    3. Then select when you would like this notification to go out from the Reminder Interval list. Immediate will send the notification immediately, the 15 min, 30min and 1-72 hours are reminders prior to the appointment.
    4. When done hit the Add New Notification button to create the new notification.
  3. Track Notification The scheduled notifications will display up top in the Existing notification box. The Processed Notification History box will show you the Sent Notification History.
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phone notifications

Editing Notification Templates

We offer multiple template setup options based on your needs. You can edit company wide templates. or create specific Station, Task or Resource related message templates.

  1. The Email body editor. Here you can edit the text, font, color add images and style your message.
  2. Inserting information You can insert useful information into your automatic message. Like Appointment Date, Appointment Time, Address, Phone numbers and so much more. The EZnet Fields can be found in a drop down list (3) and inserted into your message.
  3. EZ fields From this drop down list you can select a variety of information fields that will display the Appointment Information to your client. When you select one of the fields from the drop down, you will see for example [AppointmnetDate] added to your text. That field will enter the appropriate appointment date into your message when it is sent out.
  4. Other Setting Email Subject will dictate the subject line of the email that this message will be sent with. You can Auto Send Appointment Confirmation for Appointments. As well as set to Send Reminders for all Appointments at a particular time.

Text message templates are quite straightforward to modify as well. Since the nature of text message is text only, there is not much to do when styling your text message notifications. Enter your text in the box and the available EZnet Fields are listed on the right. These fields will insert the appointment information into your message, like date, time or phone number.

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edit template notifications step 1 edit template notifications step 2

iCal Notification

Go to Notifications Menu Tab and Click Notifications Setup.

  1. iCal Calendar Invitations This tool sends an automatic calendar invitation through email. The appointment then appears on the invitees calendar. This feature is universal and is integrated with most calendar providers. You can select a Plain Confirmation Email, which will feature a Text Only message. Or a Text Email with iCal Calendar invitation included. This invitation makes it easy for the user to add this appointment to their calendar of choice.
  2. Confirmation vs Reminder Emails Confirmation Emails go out immediately after the appointment is booked. The Reminder emails go out at a specified interval time prior to the appointment.
  3. Setting the Reminder Timeframe Select a specified time you would like your Reminder Notifications to go out prior to the appointment.

How to edit notification templates.

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setting up iCal notifications

Enhanced Text Messaging Setup

To begin using EZnet Scheduler Enhanced Text Messaging, two-way SMS feature, you will need to set the mobile field and ensure the field only contains mobile numbers. Landlines in the mobile field will fail to send. If you’re a legacy customer, we recommend adding a new field titled “Mobile” for your appointment creation window. This will ensure future text messages go through successfully and will only contain mobile numbers. Numbers collected and stored in the database of all types remain intact in the original phone fields. Watch this 5-minute video to learn how to set up your two-way SMS texting feature to capitalize on the 98% open and read rate for text messages to drastically reduce your missed appointments.

View video on YouTube

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Task Management

What is a Task?

Under the Notifications Tab then Notifications Setup you can edit the company wide Notification settings. These are your default notification templates for Email, Text and Phone reminders (refer to tabs above). You can also set up Custom Notification Templates for a specific Station, Task or Resource. Go to Company Account -> Station, Task or Resource Management and edit individual record to set up custom individual notifications.

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what is a task

How to Add a Task

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management, on the upper left hand side of the menu click on Add new record and fill out the information.

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add a task

How to Edit a Task

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management, Click on the edit link on the task that you would like to edit change the information that you would like to change then click on the save link.

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edit a task

Change Task Color

  1. Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management
  2. Click on the edit link on the task that you would like to change the color on.
  3. Choose the Text color from the Text Color Selection dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the Background Color from the Background Color Select dropdown menu. (Make sure that they are not both the same color or you will not be able to see the task)
  5. Once you are done click on the save link.

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change task color

Assign time limits to tasks

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management, Click on the edit link on the task that you would like to change the duration for then go down to the Duration box fill the time in (example 1 hour would be 1:00 a half hour would be 0:30) after you have made you changes click on the save link.

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time limits to tasks

Assign a price to a task

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management, Click on the edit link on the task that you would like to change the price for then go down to the price box fill the price that you would like to assign to the task (example $50.00 hour would be 50.00) after you have made you changes click on the save link.

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task prices

Tasks Visibility Limits

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management, Click on the edit link on the task that you would like to change.

Visibility Options. This section will allow you to set visibility limitations to Internal Calendar Only if you don't want your clients to see a particular Task on the External Calendar. External Calendar Only if you want this to be offered as online booking service only. Both Calendars this will show the Task on both calendars or Neither Calendars in case you want to hide the Task, but possibly reopen it in the future.

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tasks visibility

User Management

How to Add Users

To add Users, simply click on "Company Account" in the top menu and select the "User Management" option.

Click on "Add new record" and fill out the information for your new User. Then click on the "Insert New User" button to save your new User.

  1. Add new user. Click on the Plus to add a new User.
  2. Search panel. This section will allow you to Search the Users based on criteria. You can also group your search by dragging and dropping it into the Drag-and-Drop section up-top.
  3. Information list. This is how all your Users will be listed, Click on the Edit button to change the information.
  4. General information. This section will allow you to edit the resource general information, set a price and limitations.
  5. Reset password. Reset a specific user password.
  6. Station view restrictions. This section will allow you to restrict certain users to see particular stations.
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add user management add new user record add user management step 1 add user management step 3 add user management step 4 add user management step 4 add user management step 4 add user management step 4

Change Password

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Password Reset. Next type in your new password twice then click the "Change Password" button.

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change password


What is a Resource

Resources could be set as your office rooms, trucks, or other service elements. While setting up your companies resources you can also provide time duration for that resource, for example clean up after a patient takes 15 minutes.

Resources appear in your Appointment Tip when you mouse over an appointment in your scheduler view.

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what is a resource what is a resource extended

Manage Resources

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Task Management, on the upper left hand side of the menu click on Add new record and fill out the information.

Resources appear in your Appointment Tip when you mouse over an appointment in your scheduler view.

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managing resources managing resources managing resources step 2 managing resources step 3

Company Account

General Company Administration

General Information. This section will allow you to edit the general account information, as well as set Custom Attachment Names which is an important tool in customizing your Scheduler. Please refer to Point 7.

  1. Customize Attachment Names. Stations, Tasks and Resources can be called different names. For example:

This changes the Attachments (Task, Station, & Resource) Names throughout your Scheduler.

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company accounts overview

Working Hours

Working Hours. This section will allow you to set your company's hours. This will predetermine your day schedule time slots.

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company accounts overview

Appointment Options

Appointment Options. Here you can specify various options to customize your scheduler.

  1. Task Settings
  2. Appointment Settings
  3. Calendar Settings
  4. Company Settings
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Task Settings
what is a resource
Appointment Settings
what is a resource extended what is a resource extended
Calendar Settings
what is a resource extended what is a resource extended
Company Settings
what is a resource extended what is a resource extended

Payment Info

Payment Info. You can see your Payment and Package information here.

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company accounts overview

Client Billing

Client Billing. Add an address to show on client invoices

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company accounts customize attachements

Point of Sale

Point of Sale. Selections of different e-commerce payment gateway options available to you.

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company accounts customize attachements


What is a Station

Stations are the columns of your scheduler view. They can be defined as the user, location, equipment, or staff member being used to complete the task. In the example below the Stations are Forrest Smith, Juan, Keali, Marcos, Michael.

To manage Stations go to Company Account and select Station Management.

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what is a station station management

Create a Station

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Station Management, on the upper left hand side of the menu click on Add new record and fill out the information.

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create a station

How to Edit a Station

Mouse over Company Account on the menu of your scheduler and select Station Management, Click on the edit link on the Station that you would like to edit change the information that you would like to change then click on the save link.

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edit a station

How to Customize a Station

From the Station Editor you can Customize your stations to have Visibility and Task Restrictions, Reminder notifications and custom notifications. Here is how it works:

General Information. This section will allow you to edit the station information including it's name, setting a hour rate for services, setting it's public visibility on your external/internal calendars, and blocking out custom times. Back to the top
customize station 1

Assignment Count

Assignment Count Is the number of appointments a station can have at once.

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customize station 1

Visibility Opition

Visibility Opition This section allows you to set visibility limitations to Internal Calendar Only if you don't want your clients to see a particular station on the External Calendar. External Calendar Only if you want this to be offered as online booking service only. Both Calendars this will show the station on both calendars or Neither Calendars in case you want to hide a station, but possibly reopen in the future for booking. << /p> Back to the top

customize station 1

Color Scheme

Color Scheme Set a custom text and background color for your station column title on the calendar.

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customize station 1


Hours Here you may set a custom operation hours based on the stations availability.

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customize station 1

Block out Times

Block Out TimesSet your stations unavailability here.

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customize station 1


From the Notification Tab you can create custom notifications for stations. Here is how it works:

  1. Reminder Management. This section will allow you to edit the stations general notification information and create new reminders. This is an internal company reminder for a station of an upcoming event or meeting. You can choose to setup unlimited phone, email, and text reminders per station.
  2. Notification Hours. Sets a stations day and time schedule limitations for each type of notifacation.
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station contact center

Station Notifications

Go to Station Management and click on Edit one of your stations. This way every one of your stations can have custom notification setup. Once the Editor window comes up select the Notifications tab. Here is how it works:

  1. Create a Notification. Select whether you would like to create a Email, Text or Phone notification from the Type list on the left hand side. Enter the necessary information like email, phone number etc and hit the Add New Notification button. Your new notification will appear in the top Existing Notifications box.
  2. Notification Restrictions. Here you can set from what time to what time are the notifications allowed to be sent out. You would not want our system to be calling your client in the middle of the night.
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station notification 1 station notification 2

Station Custom Templates - Company/Client

Custom Templates - Company & Client

We have multiple templates that you can customize for your clients and your company/employees. Company Templates are used for notifications/reminders that will go out to the company/employee. Customer Templates will go out to the client that schedules with this particular station. Lets say your station represents an employee named Rachel. When an appointment is scheduled with Rachel, you can send her a custom message at a particular time to remind her of her appointment. Also you can create a custom message that will be sent to the client coming to see Rachel.

  1. Templates There are Immediate Template and Reminder Templates.
    1. Immediate templates will go out with the immediate notifications as soon as an appointment is scheduled. They could carry a confirmation message.
    2. Reminder Templates will go out with a reminder notification at a set time prior to the appointment. You can create separate Immediate and Reminder templates for Text and/or Email notifications for both Company and Client recipients.

How to edit templates.

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station notification 1

Attachment Restrictions

Attachment Restrictions From here you can set task restrictions for certain stations. If particular employees are not qualified to perform certain task, you can set that restriction here. Example: Rob is qualified to color hair, but Sam is not, he can only do haircuts and blow-dry.

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customize station 1

Appointment Status

Appointment Status Overview

Appointment statuses are small icons that appear on your appointment to identify its progress.

To set a status Right click on an appointment and mouse over "Set Appointment Status" right-click menu link, a menu with statuses appears, select a status from this menu to set it on the appointment. ex Alert, Confirmed, Running Late, No Show and so on.

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status overview status overview

Create Status

Create or Update Status Statuses are small icons that appear on your appointment to identify its progress.

  1. Begin by navigating to the status management area - in the main menu click on Company Administration > Manage Appointment Statuses
  2. Select the Wrench "Edit" Icon to the right of the status you would like to change, update or create new statuses, and be sure to save the changes
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create custom status create custom status

Block Out Times

Block Out Times Overview

Block out times allow you to disable certain sections or days on the calendar. You can block out times for your regular office hours like for example for Lunch or a weekly meeting. Or you can block out times per station basis, for example if one of you employees is out that day.

Block out times - Company Wide Hours To block out times for your regular hours go to Company Account > Company Administration > Working hours. You will find the Block Out section on the right.

Block out times - Station Specific To block out times for a specific station go to Company Account > Station Management then click Edit on a desired station. You will find the Block Out section in the right bottom corner.

To set a status Right click on an appointment and mouse over "Set Appointment Status" tab. You will see a list of appointment statuses fly out. ex Alert, Confirmed, Running Late, No Show and so on.

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How to Block Out Time

To create a block out time: From your desired block out location (see above) click on the "Add A New Block Out or Exception" button in the bottom right corner.

You will be presented with three options on what type of block out you would like to create.

Option One: Regular Office Hours. Use this option to add a block out to your regular office hours. These block outs will always be applied. For example: your regular office hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm and you want to add a block out for lunch from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.

Option Two: Use this option to add a block out based on a specified date, a period between two dates, or a recurrence rule. For example: you want to add a block out for a holiday, several days of vacation time, or you are unavailable on Thursdays of every other week.

Option Three: Use this option to add an exception based on a specified date, a period between two dates, or a recurrence rule. For example: you have a block out for Thursdays of every other week, but you want to be available on one particular Thursday.

Once you have selected a block out you can give it a Name(Description) and specify the date and time of the block out. Hit Apply and don't forget to Save your Company Data.

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how to block out time block out time admin 1 block out time admin 2


Appointment Notes

You may add notes to specific appointments.

  1. To add a note for a specific appointment, simply begin typing in the “Add New Note” box. Click the save icon to save the note.
  2. The note then appears in the “Existing Notes” section.
  3. To edit an existing note, click the pencil of the corresponding note.
  4. Make your changes in the “Edit Note” box. Click save icon.
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notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview

Drag And Drop Appointments

You can drag and drop appointments between Different time slots as well as different stations. You do this by putting your mouse over the appointment that you want to move click and hold it and drag it to the new time or new station that you want then let go of the mouse button. You will see that the appointment has been moved.

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drag and drop appointments

Booking More Than One Appointment

Click next to the appointment where you would like to double book. Complete the appointment details. Then, click “Save Appointment”.

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booking more than 1 appointment

Recurring Appointments

  1. To set a recurring appointment, in the calendar view, click on the desired time slot and complete the appointment details including station, resource, and task.
  2. Click on the recurring tab. Select the recurring event check box.
  3. The system will automatically alert you that double bookings may result. Select OK to continue.
  4. Complete the recurring details for the appointment. Then click the “Save appointment” button.
  5. Click “Close” button or the “x” to return to Scheduler.
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notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview

Appointment Reminders

You may send email, text, or phone reminders to your customers to help reduce no-show appointments.

  1. To send reminders to your customers, simply click on the customer's appointment on your calendar.
  2. Select the Notifications tab and choose which method you wish to use from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the customer's information as prompted by the Scheduler. For text notifications, select the name of the customer’s cell phone carrier. See note below about new two-way text messaging coming soon.
  4. Then choose the desired interval to deliver the notification from the available options in the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Add Notification button to save your settings.

Please note we are currently testing two-way SMS text messaging. This Enhanced Text Messaging service will allow your customers to send a message back to the Scheduler to confirm, cancel, or reschedule appointments while automatically update the appointment status on the calendar. This feature will be available in designated plans soon.

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appointment reminders

Edit Appointment Reminders

If you need to make any changes to appointment reminders, it’s easy to do.

  1. Find the customer’s appointment using the Search function. Just click anywhere in the calendar to open the Add Appointment window. Type in the search query using at least three letters and click the blue Search button.
  2. Select the desired customer from the search results list.
  3. From the Add Appointment window, select the Notifications tab and select the notification you wish to edit by clicking the yellow pencil icon.
  4. Make the desired change/s and click Update Notification to save the new settings.
  5. Close the window either by clicking the “x” in the upper right corner or the green Close button.
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notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview


IntelliVu Overview

IntelliVu™digital job board allows you to view the status of your appointments visually quickly. Now, you can see which appointment is in what part of the appointment process just by viewing the IntelliVu board.


The fixed view of fields is determined at the Company administrationlevel however users may filter the view to customize their own view. However, whenever users return to the Calendar view and go back to IntelliVu, the company-level defined fields will be the default view.

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what is a task

How to set up the Company default view

  1. Go to Company Account > Company administration
  2. Select Appointment Options
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find IntelliVu Settings
  4. From the Initial columns for IntelliVu area, select the drop-down arrow to expand the options.
  5. This is where you select which statuses you would like to set as default columns in the IntelliVu dashboard. See How to define the IntelliVu statuses section.
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notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview notifications overview

How to define the IntelliVu statuses

  1. Select “Check all” to automatically select all
  2. Deselect “Check all” to clear all selections to start from a blank slate.
  3. Click the desired statuses you wish to show on your default IntelliVu dashboard to all your users.
  4. Click Save Company Data blue button.
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Set the order in which statuses appear in IntelliVu dashboard

  1. From Company Account, choose Manage Appointment Statuses
  2. In the Select a Status to Edit window, you may set the order you wish to view them by clicking the up or down arrow button.
  3. Repeat until you have put each status in the desired order.
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Open appointment from IntelliVu

  1. Click on the three vertical dots to edit the appointment
  2. Click Edit Appointment to open the appointment details
  3. Make desired changes
  4. Save your changes by clicking the blue Save Appointment button.
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Delete appointment from IntelliVu

There are two ways to delete an appointment right from IntelliVu dashboard.

  1. Select the card you wish to delete.
    1. Tap the “delete” key on your keyboard
    2. The “Delete Card”dialogue box appears asking you if you want to delete the card.
    3. Choose Delete if you want to delete or Cancel to undo the action and leave the appointment as is.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots in the card.
    1. Select Delete Appointment
    2. The delete appointment dialog box appears
    3. Choose Delete if you want to delete or Cancel to undo the actionand leave the appointment as is.
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How to use the filter

If you wish to filter the data your own way if it's different than the company default view, you may do so using the filter feature. Please note, every time you leave this view and return to IntelliVu, you will automatically see the company default view.

  1. Select the date range you wish to view
  2. Choose the Station you wish to view
  3. Define which status fields you wish to view
  4. Click blue Filter button
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IntelliVu animation

  1. To set animation for IntelliVu, go to Company Account > Manage appointment statuses.
  2. Select the status you want to animate by clicking on the wrench icon.
  3. Make your selections from the four options shown by clicking the drop-down arrow.
  4. Click save.
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Enhanced Text Messaging (ETM)

How text message units are calculated

Text messages are limited to 153 standard characters universally per segment. For text messages longer than 153 standard characters, messages are automatically separated into segments to send and reassembled for the recipient. Nonstandard characters including emojis and non-standard languages consume characters faster and concatenate after 70 characters. Each segment counts as one text unit.

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